
Officespace Neuchatel - TL-6030

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ONLEVEL’s TL-6030 profile on a company building in Neuchatel, Switzerland – completely invisible with a sleek and stylish design.

Neuchatel, Swiss
Charles Sauter AG
Einbau durch
Glas Nussbaum AG
Wohn- und Büroräume
Gebrauchtes Produkt
Ganzglasgeländer TransLevel

The Neuchatel project is a great example of how our products can be used in a variety of spaces. The installation, by Glas Nussbaum AG, features our Glass Profile TL6030 and FlexFit 2.0kN products, and was completed in 2019.

The space is a public one, and the use of our products has helped to create a more positive and powerful atmosphere. The Glass Profile TL6030 is easy to install and very safe, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a hassle-free way to improve their space.


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